Around The Box

B-FAB (Donate The Box to a hospital)

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Be fab and get involved in our Box For A Box (B-FAB) mission!
With your generous help, we want to donate Boxes to families experiencing hospital treatment; to help them remember how to laugh and have fun together in the face of some of life’s greatest challenges.

So whether you’re upgrading your Box purchase or are simply sending a donation, you’ll be bringing hope and joy to the families who need it the most.

B-FAB boxes cost £25. Just choose a hospital and we’ll do the rest.

At the checkout you‘ll be able to include your name or the name of a loved one on your donated Box (This can be left blank if preferred) and if you select ‘Other’ we’ll be able to explore donating a Box to a specific hospital of your choice (check our Terms & Conditions for more information).

Do you work in a hospital and would like to know more? Send us an email →

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